Recently, more and more the legendary game series has been reviving. « Heroes », Majesty, King’s Bounty… the list can be continued. These necromancal experiments have reached quests – not so long ago there was a continuation SAM & Max, And now the turn is for the great and terrible Monkey Island. Moreover, almost simultaneously a new part of the series appeared – Tales of the Monkey Island: Launch of the Screaming Narval – and an attempt was made to resurrect the very first of the « islands », The Secret of Monkey Island. The new game will be discussed separately, but for now we will figure out how successfully the necromancers from Lucasarts It turned out to breathe a second life into an old masterpiece.
The old board will not spoil the board
When loading the game, we are greeted painfully a familiar screensaver taken directly from The Secret of Monkey Island. Did they really deceive us and slipped the same? But no, after a couple of seconds the screensaver changes – it overflows with landfills, blooms with new colors, acquires volume … the same places, but in absolutely new quality. Masters from Lucasarts We did a truly titanic work – they redrawn the entire schedule, radically changed lighting and animation. At the same time, they managed to maintain the spirit of the game – all places and characters are perfectly recognizable, their characteristic features did not disappear.
The protagonist Gaybrash Tripwood is the same “pale young man with a burning gaze”, a gusty and naive dreamer, which is perfectly noticeable in at all changed wide open blue eyes and naughty bright hair. The main love of his life is Elein and the main enemy, the Pirate Ghost of the Lechak, are also recreated perfectly, like second-plan characters. Those who played the original immediately recognize the heroes cute to the heart.
Landscapes retained attractiveness, becoming only more beautiful. Crooked houses, mysterious lights on a global map, dark forests, a huge island, giving rise to a feeling of boundless expanse for research … On these landscapes you can roam for a very long time, just admiring the work of artists. Extending grotesque and rich, slightly cartoon paints give a special, fabulous charm to the world Monkey Island. This feature was characteristic of all the « islands of monkeys », and Lucasarts carefully recreated her in Special Edition.
But the developers did not cost the alteration of graphics alone. Now all the characters are voiced, and the same actors whose voices we heard in other games of the series. The interface was also improved – text options and inventory were removed from the screen.
And if you are tormented by nostalgia, then you can click on the F10 button and change the new graphics for the old picture, which could be seen in the original « Monkey Island ». True, at the same time you will have to sacrifice voice acting – it is active only for an updated look.
True, the technical level of new graphics is still somewhat outdated, but this does not spoil the general picture – after all, the designers did not have the task of catching up and overtaking modern quests in the number of landfills on the gybrash pants. They had to recreate the “island of monkeys” as he was in 1990, so that the old fans did not turn away from “clinging to the holy”, and the newcomers do not wrinkle their nose, looking at the picture composed of pixels visible by the naked eye. The main thing is to start playing – and there the bet is on the charm of the world and the fascination of history.
This crazy, crazy world ..
For those who have already played once in The Secret of Monkey Island, The foregoing will be enough to draw a conclusion about the pluses and minuses of the game. But Special Edition It is also designed for those who first try on the appearance of the Gaybrash, so I must say a few words about gameplay and plot.
So, our hero, the young Gybrash Tripwood, falls on the island of fights (mêlée island) to embody his dream – become a real pirate. True, everyone around laughs at him, and he constantly falls into stupid situations, but this is not a reason to abandon the dream. On the way to its embodiment, the future pirate will have to explore the island along and across, solve a bunch of riddles, get acquainted with the colorful personalities, find true love and the worst enemy. What else is needed for happiness?
The “monkey island” is given by humor and internal logic at first glance crazy mysteries. For example, you need to remove from the path of a begging pirate-ghost, impudently stretched out bare feet. Eh, to tickle him – I would immediately jump up. That’s just what you can tickle the ghost? Gaybrash looks around and sees a ghostly chicken wandering around the grass. The decision itself comes to mind, and now our hero is already sneaking up to serene sniffing ghosts, clutching a ghostly feather in his hands. Or another case – you need to defeat several pirates in fencing fights. If you think that the main thing in this is to own a blade, you are deeply mistaken! After all, the pirates most appreciate the sharp word, and it is not surprising that the one who is able to respond with dignity to curses and at the same time gracefully overwhelm the interlocutor. At first, however, the Gaybrash is not strong in specific sea vocabulary, but having lost a couple of fights, it will noticeably enrich his vocabulary. And local dialogs will give odds to many role-playing games-each character has their own memorable character, they react in their own way to the phrases of the future great pirate and sometimes erupt with multi-page speeches. At the same time, the compilers of the text did not stint for humor and references to films, books and other games.
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition – This is a great opportunity to remember how the legendary series of quests began. Pirates with experience will enjoy the new appearance of a familiar game to the last pixel of the game, and beginners, thanks to the updated graphics and voice acting, will be able to discover the classics of the genre.
Pros: Great humor;classic gameplay seasoned by voice acting and improved graphics.
Cons: a little outdated technical level of graphics;Animation flaws.